
The 学生主任办公室 provides grants to students experiencing unexpected expenses related to basic needs that can impact their ability to be successful at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 一个 form serves as an application for the following limited 基本需求 Grant Programs open to currently enrolled students: 

  1. 加州州立大学洛杉矶基本需求 & 紧急拨款: supports students who are experiencing financial crisis due to recent, 严重的, 他们无法控制的意外情况
  2. 校内房屋补助金: supports students experiencing housing insecurity 一次性资助 to live in on-campus housing
  3. 校外住房补助金: supports students experiencing housing insecurity 一次性资助 for off-campus housing

有关填写此表格的问题和支持, please get in touch with the 学生主任办公室 at 323-343-3103 or (电子邮件保护).

Please review the following eligibility requirements that apply to all of the available grant programs:

  • 在学年期间成为注册学生
  • Be able to demonstrate urgent financial need with supporting documentation
  • Experience an unforeseen emergency/crisis that impacts your success such as housing and basic needs, 医疗紧急情况, 学术供应 & 技术、运输或启动相关成本
  • Completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)/CA DREAM Act Application (if eligible)
  • Funding for basic needs grants is limited so priority will be given to students who apply early and submit completed applications

Please review the following eligibility requirements for each program listed below.  虽然每个项目都有特定的标准, all of these programs require students to certify that they have read and met the eligibility criteria and that all of the information submitted on this application is accurate and true.  另外, all student applicants must understand and acknowledge that other areas of the University may be consulted which may be used to determine their level of eligibility for these resources.

  • 基本需求 Grant Applications are reviewed during regular business hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m./星期五,上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Applications will not be reviewed after business hours, on weekends, or on University Holidays
  • 提交后,您将收到确认信息
  • The process can take up to 4 to 6 weeks after documents have been submitted
  • 您将通过电子邮件收到决定信

  • 授予决定将根据您的申请回复.
  • Grant award amounts may also depend upon a review of a student's financial aid package.
  • 学生 can still apply if they did not submit a FAFSA or CA Dream Act application
  • 基本需求 & 紧急拨款 awards approved applicants from $500 up to $1000 per school year.
  • The 校内房屋补助金 awards approved applicants up to $2000 per school year.
  • The 校外住房补助金 awards approved applicants up to $2000 per school year.

足彩外围网站的基本需求 & 紧急拨款 Program allows for students who are experiencing financial crisis due to recent, 严重的, 他们无法控制的意外情况 to apply for up to $500 in financial hardship support funding per school year. Funding for basic needs grants is limited so priority will be given to students determined to be in the greatest need. Applicants are required to provide documentation/verification of their emergency circumstances. A review of applicants' financial aid awards may be part of exploring resources available to applicants and determining equitable responses to the applications received.


In addition to meeting the general eligibility requirements stated above, 申请奖学金的学生必须符合以下具体要求:

  • 学生 must be enrolled in at least 3 units and in a Bachelor's or graduate degree or a credential program

申请基本需要 & 紧急拨款

This program is designed to support students experiencing housing insecurity 一次性资助 申请校内或校外住房. These resources should support students who wish to persist with their enrollment at the university but may experience financial challenges in securing their own housing or who would otherwise require substantial loans to pay for housing.  请仅在符合以下条件的情况下申请. 这是足彩外围网站学生的有限基本需求资源. 


In addition to meeting the general eligibility requirements stated above, 申请奖学金的学生必须符合以下具体要求:

  • For the 校内房屋补助金: must be currently residing in Housing and Residence Life 
  • For the Off-Campus Housing Grant: currently not residing in any property associated with University housing 
  • Must be currently enrolled, full-time (12 units undergraduates/ 8 graduate)
  • Experiencing a crisis that inhibits ability to pay for housing-related expenses
  • 在学生行为方面有良好的信誉  
  • Priority will be given to students who meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • 学生 can still apply if they did not submit a FAFSA or CA Dream Act application. 
  • The 校内房屋补助金 awards approved applicants up to $2000 per school year.
  • The 校外住房补助金 awards approved applicants up to $2000 per school year.



The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Emergency Housing Program provides undergraduate and graduate students with temporary transitional housing if they are experiencing housing displacement or homelessness. Our goal is to ensure our students' safety and provide them with adequate time to acquire permanent and secure housing. Placement is subject to space availability and individual student circumstances.


  • 因情有可原的情况而无法入住
  • 极有可能无家可归或被驱逐
  • 由于不安全的生活条件而流离失所
  • 住在你的车里
  • 流落街头

To be eligible for 加州大学洛杉矶分校's Emergency Housing Program, a student must:

  • Be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program in the semester for which they are applying for emergency housing

在学生搬进紧急住房之前, 他们必须阅读并签署紧急住房条款和条件.
